Welcome to Dr. Renate Quehenberger’s Digital Classroom
Unique 5D Geometry curriculum from Renate Quehenberger, PhD, faculty member at NewEarth University’s School of Science & Design Innovation. All info is on this page including study access protocols in red for an online Workshop (English only).
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Do not open a 2nd account. Students use one account with English (only) credentials in the University’s data base using their REAL Full name. Do not use any type of fake, partial name or nickname on your account as this is problematic for tuition, access & correspondence. Student email to NEU must match your account’s functioning address. Access directly links into account credentials; tuition-enrolled students click the blue access button below ↓ Log in first (above) via your credentials.
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InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at the NewEarth University
Dear Students, Welcome back to my new Academy at NEU.
Thank you for interest to study 5D Geometry. This creative curriculum presents you with an understanding of higher dimensional concepts:
From antiquity … to modern quantum physics and astronomy – based on my developed digital higher dimensional hyper-Euclidean Geometry.
5D Geometry Using Origami: Enfolding Plato’s 5th Element
Unit Cells of the 5-Dimensional Space (Alleged Building Blocks of the Universe)
Meet Your Professor
Renate Quehenberger PhD, faculty member at NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation (SDI)
In 2023, Dr. Quehenberger from Vienna, Austria joined the NewEarth University as a faculty member to teach her fascinating fusion work of art & physics & philosophy.
Renate is delighted to present you with this unique and creative 5D Geometry curriculum, starting with an online workshop using origami assemblage to assist in our UN-Learning & Learning of complex theory and space configurations. Visit her faculty bio page (under “about neu” pull-down, main menu) to read more about your 5D geometry professor.
Why Study at 5D Geometry Academy?
5D Geometry Academy curricula offered at the NEU’s School of SDI is based on Dr. Renate Quehenberger’s passionate and unique artistic & academic research on higher dimensional geometry applied to different domains of knowledge – from arts and philosophy, anthropology, archeology… to Earth sciences, biology, quantum physics and astronomy. Her works reveal that the ancient Egyptian Isis and Osiris myth can be interpreted as origami instruction for enfolding the building blocks of 5-dimensional space; and, furthermore identified as Plato’s 5th element, also known as quintessence or ether, which gives us a picture of the ancient Theory of Everything (ToE). This 5D Geometry Academy will assist us all with methods to better understand ourselves and the living Earth embedded in the Living Intelligent Pattern of the Universe.
Online Workshop for You

5D Geometry Using Origami: Enfolding Plato’s 5th Element
⇓ Access Below ⇓
Origami Workshop Fundamentals
Origami paper foldings instruction
Enfolding the unit cell of 5D space taught by the ancient Egyptian Isis & Osiris Myth
Riddle of Plato’s 5th Element & its Solution
How to count dimensions?
Higher-dimensional space in Quantum Physics & Cosmology
Physical meaning of 5D space
Higher dimensional cosmology: from Johannes Kepler & 5D Geometry to the Universe and how it could explain Quantum Geometry while understanding quantum entanglement.
What You Received
Approx. 2-hour Workshop (English)
Recorded LIVE by the School of SDI
24/7 video-replay access at Renate’s workshop page;
Note replay is not downloadable, you don’t own it
PDFs (downloadable)
What You Need
Student account for access to Renate’s workshop page
Ability to navigate NEU for content via study protocols
Access to a computer & printer / ability to download & print PDFs
Paper to fold for creating origami shapes (suggested 120 – 150 gram or “thick” paper)
150 gram paper is heavier then usual 90 gram “printer paper”
Scissors or a paper cutter; a ruler + non-drip glue (“glue-stick”)
Notepad / journal & pencil / pen, etc. to take notes / doodle as inspired
Suggestion: use desktop or laptop computer – your choice;
Computer may provide a better experience than small phone / tablet
Workshop recorded by NEU’s School of SDI:
You have 24/7 replay access AT NEU (workshop page)
Workshop has a $35.00 USD non-refundable Administration Fee for refund request made BEFORE starting on Zoom;
No refund issued for workshop once begun on Zoom;
No refund issued for this workshop-replay.
Access Protocols
Log in to NEU with your student account credentials
Return HERE ⇓ access button
5D Geometry Using Origami:
Enfolding Plato’s 5th Element
Join Dr. Renate Quehenberger
Your Tuition: $72.oo USD
* How to Study with Dr. Quehenberger (2-steps) *
Step 1 – Enroll ⇓
~ enrollment is now closed ~
Step 2 – ACCESS Workshop ⇓
Enter Workshop Page for PDFs & Video-replay
Who Would Take This Workshop?
Do you perhaps doubt big bang cosmology and standard model of a flat grainy pancake Universe?
Would you ponder a new – as well as ancient – alternative hypotheses about the Universe?
Interested to discover a connection between quantum physics, cosmology and spiritual experiences?
Designed for ALL, you’re invited to this unique workshop to become acquainted with the basic geometry of 5-dimensional space, the uniting grid, Plato’s 5th element, and the shape of quintessence that for centuries the alchemists were always searching for.
Join me to explore an ancient concept of the abandoned Aether …
Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University School of Science & Design Innovation
Dr. Quehenberger