Welcome to Nicole Pinter-Krainer’s Digital Classroom (2024)
Cutting-edge curriculum in Animal Healing from the NewEarth University (NEU) School of Consciousness & Spirituality. All info is on this page including enrollment / study access protocols in red for Nicole’s online Animal Healing Academy offerings (taught in English only).
*** Important: Read This Section Mindfully ***
If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum at NEU. If not, you need to open a free student account – first – for tuition-purchase & access to workshops and courses.
This is accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form: *** CLICK HERE ***
Do not open a 2nd account. Students use one account with English (only) credentials in the University’s data base with their REAL Full name. Do not use any type of fake, partial name or nickname on your account as this is problematic for tuition, access & correspondence. Student email to NEU must match your account’s functioning address. Access directly links into account credentials; tuition-enrolled students click the blue access button below ↓ Log in first via your credentials.
Thank you for following required protocols
InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at the NewEarth University
Dear Student, Welcome back. Thank you for interest to study ANIMAL HEALING at NEU.
Align with nature’s principles, do not harm, be humble and live in integrity.
Listen to and learn from what animals gift us with. Be the peace, the love, and the grace you want to experience!
Animal Healing Workshop (Recorded Replay) Your tuition: $60.00 USD
Replay Enrollment OPEN
Scroll down page to enroll & access ⇓
Meet Your Teacher
Nicole Pinter-Krainer, faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality
Nicole Pinter-Krainer is a natural born healer, soul communicator, animal naturopath and specialist in frequency therapies. Above all, Nicole is a passionate animal lover and deeply grateful for being able to read nature and frequencies and learn from animals. She has gained a deep understanding about our reciprocal link with nature and animals and the state of the relationship nowadays. In her view, healing is the key to finding our way back to our soul and to the mutual understanding with our non-human friends. In her Workshop as well as the Animal Healing Course, Nicole shares her wisdom and knowledge about healing, animals, frequencies, information that she received from animals and experiences. Her aim is to empower more people on their healing path and to teach how to facilitate healing of our animal brothers and sisters.
Why Study Animal Healing?
Become the change …
Many suffer from the separation from nature, the Earth and the incomprehension of animals that chose to be our companions in order to help us create and heal. Is that disconnection on the outside not a reflection of the separation on the inside?
We lost our connection to our soul and our heart. We lost the ability to observe animals, to communicate clearly with them and to recognize the service that they gift us with. We neglected our healing skills and forgot our inner wisdom which resulted in disharmonies, dis-ease and suffering.
The beautiful reciprocity we have with animals longs to be recognized again: we gift them with our love and consideration and they bless us with their teachings and wisdom. Understanding the dynamics of creation is the basis of understanding our place in relation to animals. Facilitating the healing of animals is a way of engaging in our own healing and bringing about an expansion of consciousness and healing on the collective level. This obviously ties into the awakening process that is ongoing, the awakening to who we truly are.
Let us learn again to live more in our hearts, finding our way back to our souls and keeping the communication line open to other souls. Let us remember our conscious connection with every aspect of life and re-discover our creative power in service of the animal community. Let us share a peaceful, loving, respectful and healthy life with our pets and other animals and let us become the change we would like to experience.
Online Workshop for You NOW
Workshop-replay enrollment is open

Animal Healing Workshop
Workshop Recorded Replay Now Available
⇓ Enrollment / Access Below ⇓
Because you recognise that we are all one and that animal healing is directly connected with your own healing.
Because you realise that understanding our relations with animals sheds a light on our connection to nature, inscribed in our souls and all levels of our being.
Healing is our way back to the soul and deep harmony. Being able to communicate with animals on the soul level and facilitate their healing is a way to actively participate in the overall healing process and consciousness expansion.
Last but not least, for the many pet-owners amongst us: being able to identify the source of dis-ease and to heal disharmonies is the key to a happy and enriching life together.
Workshop Fundamentals: What You Will Learn
Human-animal connection (let love rule)
Understanding the soul and how to alleviate suffering on the individual & collective level
What is healing?
Animal healing & universal principles
Animal communication on the soul level
Frequency matters
Intro to Nicole’s work with animals: healing info, input from animals, her experiences
What You Receive
2-hr Workshop (English) replay
Recorded LIVE by NEU’s School of C & S
Video-replay is not downloadable – you won’t own it;
You’ll have 24/7 access at Nicole’s Workshop Page at NEU
Downloadable PDF in Workshop Page
What You Need
Student account for enrollment & access to Workshop Page
Ability to navigate NEU & follow protocols for study
Notepad/journal & pencil/pen, etc. to take notes/doodle as inspired
Suggestion: use desktop or laptop computer / downloading PDF
Computer may provide better viewing than small phone/tablet – your choice.
Access to a printer (optional to print PDF)
Workshop has open enrollment
Workshop recorded by NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality
Replay is not downloadable – you won’t own it.
NEU Policy: No partial tuition or payment plans are available;
No refund issued for Workshop after it has commenced on Zoom;
No refund issued for this Workshop-replay.
Enrollment & Access Protocols
Log in to NEU with student account credentials
Click – blue – workshop enrollment button below ⇓
You receive NEU’s confirmation email when tuition-enrollment is successfully completed
Then return to THIS page / click below ⇓ access button
Animal Healing Workshop
Nicole Pinter-Krainer (Recorded LIVE)
Your Tuition: $60.oo USD
* How to Study with Nicole (2-steps) *
Step 1 Enroll ⇓
Step 2 Access here ⇓
Once tuition-enrolled successfully, you receive NEU’s auto-confirmation email
RETURN logged in from account credentials
Workshop Welcome Page: Replay & PDF
Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University School of Consciousness & Spirituality
Nicole Pinter-Krainer and Administration