Welcome to David Emery’s Digital Classroom (2024)
Cutting-edge curriculum revealing the sacred truth of our REAL History from David Emery, senior fellow of the NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. All info is on THIS page including enrollment & study/access protocols in red for an online Workshop (replay) taught in English only.
*** Important: Read This Section Mindfully ***
If you already created a NewEarth account before – great, you’re ready to enroll in curriculum at NEU. If not, you need to open a free student account – first – for tuition-purchase & access to workshops and courses.
This is accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form: *** CLICK HERE ***
Do not open a 2nd account. Students use one account with English (only) credentials in the University’s data base with their REAL Full name. Do not use any type of fake, partial name or nickname on your account as this is problematic for tuition, access & correspondence. Student email to NEU must match your account’s functioning address. Access directly links into account credentials; tuition-enrolled students click the correct blue access button below ↓ Log in first (above) via your credentials.
~ Thank you for following required protocols ~
InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at the NewEarth University
Dear Students, Welcome back. Thank you for interest to study REAL History with me at NEU.
Explore history and the hidden physics of duality:
How the duality of belief has shaped the ‘Story’ of Our Civilised World
My REAL History Workshop: The Hidden Heart of History
Now Available as a Recorded-Replay – OPEN ENROLLMENT
Scroll down page to enroll / access ⇓
Meet Your Teacher
David Emery, Senior Fellow at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality
David Emery was born in Ireland a little after the Second World War but moved to England at the age of seven. His youth was captivated by three things; history, mystery and tennis and after university he became a national and international tennis pro and then a fitness-trainer.
25 years later he was a teacher of English and History at various levels and now he is a writer. David has written a number of books from children’s stories to historical novels and is now currently writing his latest entitled, ‘Beyond the Biblical’. He calls it ‘the history we were never told about!’
A frequent popular guest of NewEarth Horizon’s Lazarus Initiative, David became a senior fellow of the NewEarth University in 2022 to share his important body of work (writings / teachings) which align with NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. He is now delighted to present you with a unique online Workshop based on his latest historical research.
Why Study REAL History?
UN-learn & learn the sacred truth of our pre-ancient beliefs
Today it is clear that there is a duality of view in countless areas of our belief-systems, worldwide, in every culture and in every nation, and the huge expansion of geo-social communication has served only to shine many searchlights upon this once-secret duality of consciousness.
Together, we shall examine how two wholly disparate angles-of-vision about Humanity and its history, one hidden and deliberately ignored and the other presented as truth and as incontrovertibly factual, have danced in and out of our awareness for at least 12 thousand years. I present very broadly, the following ‘dualities’:
1. A. How Humanity is alleged to have ‘evolved’ from tree-dwellers into space-pioneers’ and out of ‘The Stone Age’ and into the age of ‘modern’ man.
B. How Humanity is actually the descendant of a vastly complex and highly technical past-history involving many off-planet visitations and lifestyles that far exceed in longevity, health and resource anything experienced since and even, today.
2. C. How all aspects of ‘energetic-return’ from the creation of ‘money’ to the production of ‘fossil-fuels’ for survival of civilisation has created a closed-system of ‘primordial-debt’ these last 12 thousand years fostering a belief in lack and a fear of destruction, all controlled by the hands of an elite core of patriarchs.
D. How the natural open-system of abundance has always allowed ‘wealth’ in spirit and physical well-being to flourish in a close and sacred alignment with Earth and the Sacred.
3. E. How the last 12 thousand years have delivered a belief-system based on the ‘Original Sin’ (of Man) and of obedience to a ‘god’ or ‘gods’ which command devotion and an undeniable sense of ‘separation’ in Humanity.
F. How in the deep past both ‘God’ or ‘The Source-of-All’ were in collaboration WITH Humanity and how each individual knew himself or herself AS an ineffable and inseparable aspect of that source.
4. G. How ‘science’ of the last 12 thousand years has developed into a largely (not totally) but largely, closed system of belief in finite life and of entropy and of the prevalence of a slowly declining availability of energy.
And H, how in fact, the pre-ancient beliefs were of a naturally open system of abundance and infinite and expanding energy aligned with the expansion of consciousness leading to a natural evolution of both matter-form and spirit.
These pre-ancient beliefs are returning as we write and speak …
and the closed systems of the last ‘Stone-Age’ are slowly dissolving, along with the energies of the closed system,
which has held sway in our local universe for millions of years.
Online Workshop for You
This (recorded live) Workshop Replay has OPEN ENROLLMENT

An Introduction to REAL History:
The Hidden Heart of History
Join Dave Emery (recorded LIVE) in NEU’s Digital Classroom
⇓ Enrollment / Access Below ⇓
Workshop Fundamentals
What is Real history?
Humanity’s evolution (duality perspectives)
Open systems of abundance vs. a closed-system
“Scientific” entropy development
Belief systems (pre-ancient beliefs)
Our next steps?
What You Receive
2.5 hour Workshop Replay (English)
Recorded LIVE by NEU’s School of C & S
Video-replay Access at Dave’s Workshop Page;
Replay is not downloadable – you won’t own it.
Downloadable PDFs AT Dave’s Workshop Page
What You Need
Student account for enrollment/access to Dave’s Workshop Page;
Ability to navigate NEU for all content/study
Notepad/journal and pencil/pen, etc. to take notes/doodle as inspired.
Suggestion: Use a desktop or laptop computer for viewing/downloading PDFs – your choice.
Computer may provide a better experience than small phone/tablet device.
Access to a printer (optional to print PDFs)
Workshop has open enrollment for ALL
Workshop was recorded by NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality
Video-replay is not downloadable – you won’t own it.
NEU Policy: No partial tuition or payment plans are available;
No refund issued for this Workshop after it has commenced on Zoom;
No refund issued for this Workshop-replay.
Enrollment & Access Protocols
Log in to NEU with your student account credentials
Click – blue – enrollment button below ⇓
You receive NEU’s confirmation email when tuition-enrollment is successfully completed
RETURN to THIS page.. click below ⇓ blue access button ie, go full-circle, return to where you enrolled
An Introduction to REAL History:
The Hidden Heart of History
Dave Emery (recorded LIVE)
Your Tuition: $75.oo USD
* How to Study with Dave (2-steps) *
Step 1 Enroll ⇓
Step 2 Access Workshop ⇓
Once tuition-enrolled successfully, you receive NEU’s confirmation email
RETURN HERE logged in from account credentials, click button ↓
Workshop Welcome Page: Video-Replay & PDFs
Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University School of Consciousness & Spirituality
David Emery and NEU Administration