conscious conception, pregnancy, birth, and dying are essential arts, crucial to the transformation into a new earth
We, the NEU faculty members and associate fellows of Conscious Birth & Dying, understand that a truly civilized world offers the greatest respect and care to all people at the beginning—and at the end—of their life.
If humankind is to fulfill its greatest potential, the conscious welcoming of souls into our world must become our most urgent and focused art; and a dignified, peaceful death cradled in an environment conducive to spiritual retreat and resonant with nature, supported by conscious loving careers, family and friends, must become a most aspirational tenet of society.
Throughout history, we have experienced a dismal, ubiquitous and domineering status quo where the most sacred aspects of the human journey – from conception through to death – have been hijacked by entities whose primary motivation has been greed, control, and the harvesting of human energy. It is crucial that we now cease to permit this energetic vampirism.
The purpose of the Conscious Birth & Dying discipline within NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness, is to explore and facilitate conception, pregnancy, birth, and dying as conscious arts – developing and fostering best practice and customs that ensure optimal care, nurturance, and respect to each human being during their transition through these seminal gateways of the human journey. We offer integrated psycho, social, emotional, and spiritual support to mother-baby and to those who are at the end of their life.
Death is a transition as certain, as intense, and as beautiful as birth. Long shrouded in fear and conditioning, we have hidden our eyes and those of our loved ones, from death. In doing so, we inadvertently squander the possibility for transformative conversations, for a more gentle walk through bereavement and for experiencing the grace and beauty surrounding the death process.

Chaco Canyon photo courtesy of Rev Dr N Ash from her private collection.
To disseminate information about conception, pregnancy, birth, and dying – promoting these as conscious arts.
Bring humanity to a true civilized state of being by tangibly respecting the optimal foundational aspects of conception, pregnancy, birth, and death.
Encourage men and women to reclaim and embrace their inherent power as mothers and fathers.
Integrate modern scientific knowledge with ancient, traditional wisdoms based on individualized care rather than standardized care to fully allow for optimal birthing and dying practices.
Recognize that mother and baby are one (mother-baby) – and cannot be separated in any way – incorporating optimal human development practices for mother-baby during the critical developmental period of pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and post partum-care up to age 6 as one integrated process.
Devise projects in which the mother-baby relationship is deeply protected and supported by the community.
Bring an understanding that every woman has the right to choose both her place of birth and who will attend her. Mother and baby do best in an environment respectful of the physiology of birth.
Raise awareness that everyone has the right to choose their place of death and who will attend them during the process.
Share the understanding that death is a transition to be made and not an end in itself, thereby making it very important to respect and honor the individual’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Share the importance of obtaining understanding and insights into the unique experience of each individual making his/her transition in death as well as into the experience of their loved ones.