new earth’s science & technology (NEST) is accelerating conscious evolution through breakthrough technologies to provide life-enhancing solutions for humanity
For far too long, society has permitted the vested interests and agendas of the industrial complex to pollute and destroy our planet.
The good news is we live in a time when public acceptance of renewable energy technology is increasing exponentially in the wake of depleting fossil fuels and the quest for sustainability. Yet even better news – our new-found understanding of nature, energy, and the universe at-large, unequivocally informs us that we actually live in an abundant global and cosmological arena, which is leading us to unlimited power, new sources for energy, clean water, and wonders that will deliver us to a world free of pollution and scarcity.
The pure-truth of our planet’s remarkable capacity to provide us with safe, abundant, and accessible resources has for too long been hidden.
Humanity is now graduating into a truly conscious sovereignty – we are beginning to honor our collective duty as a species to recognize and reclaim our planetary health, harmony, and vitality.

The purpose of NEU’s Science & Technology discipline (known as NEST) is to expedite this monumental reclamation project by igniting and expediting a technological renaissance… It is a platform for collaboration between innovators, inventors, scientists, and breakthrough technology organizations to coordinate efforts in fulfilling the following purposes:
- Inspire an integrated scientific exploration of the unified field of consciousness.
- Demonstrate universal abundance and the enhancement of evolutionary growth through the blueprint design of whole-system planning and the implementation of life-affirming technologies that will advance humanity and enlightenment.
- Develop a comprehensive technology-suite encompassing the full-spectrum of human technological needs.
- Create curriculum pathways to avail those full-spectrum technological solutions to all people in and of the world.
- Evolve the architecture, integration strategies, and educational platform to advance the direct roll-out of breakthrough technology to New Earth venues across the globe.
- Provide a safe environment for innovators, technology providers, and organizations wishing to bring their technologies and/or models forward.
- To educate all in the vanguard sciences.
- To develop a toolkit of full-spectrum technology solutions to support NewEarth Communities in utilizing the tools and resources at their disposal to create and maintain life-affirming technology.
- To establish a global technological presence and marketplace, which avails the most advanced revolutionary technologies to the New Earth community and our world, at-large.
- To create a virtual online inquiry platform that connects and transmits creative, enlightened programming to the global family.
- To complete development of breakthrough technology solutions in each of the core areas of NEST technological foci: energy, waste, water, food, & construction.
- To provide a zero-point energy device to each New Earth member.