The following brief list of resources was compiled by faculty members and associated fellows of the Conscious Birth & Dying discipline of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness:
Axness, Marcy: Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers
Birth Without Boundaries (website with blog)
Busnel, Marie-Claire: Le Langage des Bébés, Savons-nous l’entendre?
Carman, Elizabeth & Neil: Cosmic Cradle: Souls Waiting in the Wings for Birth
Chamberlain, David: The Mind of Your Newborn Baby; Windows to the Womb: Revealing the Conscious Baby from Conception to Birth
Church, Dawson: Communing With the Spirit of Your Unborn Child: A Practical Guide to Intimate Communication With Your Unborn or Infant Child
Correia, Inez: The Impact of Television Upon the Unborn Baby, A Pioneer Study
Davis-Floyd, Robbie: Birth as an American Rite of Passage
Eliacheff, Caroline: A corps et à cris, être psychanalyste avec les tout-petits
Gosline, Andrea & Bossi, Lisa: Mother’s Nature: Timeless Wisdom for the Journey into Motherhood
Graham, Colleen: Welcoming Baby, Parenting Before Birth
Grille, Robin: Parenting for a Peaceful World
Hallett, Elisabeth: Soul Trek: Meeting Our Children on the Way to Birth
Herbinet, Etienne: D’amour et de lait
Hodson, Geoffrey: The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo
Houser, Patrick: Fathers-To-Be Handbook
Huxley, Laura Archera: The Child of your Dreams
Karr-Morse, Robin & Wiley, Meredith: Ghosts from the Nursery
Kitzinger, Sheila: Homebirth and Other Alternatives to Hospital” & “Birth Crises
Klaus, Marshall & Phyllis: Your Amazing Newborn
Leboyer, Frédérick: Birth without Violence; Le sacre de la naissance” & “Shantala
Lipton, Bruce: The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles; Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (And A Way To Get There From Here)
Lokugamage, Amali: The Heart in the Womb
Luminare, Carista: Parenting Begins Before Conception: A Guide for Preparing Body, Mind and Spirit – For You and Your Future Child
Marc, Varenka & Olivier: L’enfant qui se fait Naître
McCarty, Wendy: Welcoming Consciousness: Supporting Babies’ Wholeness From the Beginning of Life
Nathanielsz, Peter: Life in the Womb: the Origin of Health and Disease
Odent, Michel: Primal Health: Understanding the Critical Period Between Conception and the First Birthday; and, Birth and Breastfeeding: Rediscovering the Needs of Women During Pregnancy and Childbirth

NEU Fellow, Laura Uplinger
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov: Education Begins Before Birth; Hope for the World: Spiritual Galvanoplasty (
Relier, Jean-Pierre: L’aimer avant qu’il naisse; Adrien ou la colère des bébés
Renard, Pierre: Le Pouvoir Formateur de la Femme; L’univers de l’enfant avant la naissance, Apprenez à lui parler
Robbins, John: Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Sources of True Healing
Szejer, Myriam: Des mots pour naître” or “Talking to Babies in the Maternity Ward
Uvnäs-Moberg, Kerstin: The Oxytocin Factor: Tapping The Hormone Of Calm, Love And Healing
Verny, Thomas: The Secret Life of the Unborn Child
Wambach, Helen: Life Before Life
Wilheim, Joanna: O que é Psicologia Pré-Natal