Researched, compiled and written by faculty members and staff at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality
Conscious Practices for a New You
Some practitioners new to the heroic journey of self-realization may wonder whether their various practices – such as Deep Conscious Breathing, Self-Talk, Contemplation, Meditation, etc. – can really make a profound difference in their lives.
Our individual and collective experience is yes!
What we suggest is: “fake it till you make it” … i.e., until changes manifest. Life is about pre-tending – tending things before they happen, and your physical body doesn’t actually know the difference between fact and fantasy. So, focus on what you envision, feel what you “know” to “be” true in the future – even if it’s still only “now”.
All we have is NOW.
A strategy that helps initially is to explore and identify a valid purpose for creating a new model of increased self-awareness for yourSelf. You need to honor and validate why and for whom you’re creating this new model, which is a new you. If you are doing all kinds of things for someone else, well… that is truly not going to work.
With increased love and respect for your own life, you’ll develop increased love and respect for all lives. And that’s good – very good. Everything you do that’s truly good for yourSelf helps us all. We are a fractal of the Whole.
Your full-spectrum project stakeholder is SELF and therefore you are investing time and energy in Self to meet the desires of Self. You deserve to have optimum results and you will… if you give it your best shot – whatever you feel called to “do”. The amount of time you spend on any and all Conscious Practices will be your determination, and, this varies throughout life. No day is ever the same. And, no-thing is the same for everyone …
You must bang your own drum, sing your own song and carry in life what you choose to carry from the depths of your heart.
As you develop on this heroic journey to self-actualization through conscious practices you should be aware that the simplest solution is usually the best solution. And, remember there IS a difference between simple and easy! Don’t over intellectualize everything that you experience; and, do not criticize yourSelf. Keep your heart-mind on your Soul’s goals.
Use the KISS method: Keep It Simple Sweetheart.

Labyrinth Practice photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection
Conscious Feedback
During practices of different types, the time between a conscious action and the feedback on that action varies according to the individual and the strength of his or her convictions, beliefs and conscious practices. Some feedback may be spontaneous… and in other instances it may take hours, days, weeks or months – maybe even a year, or two.
Spend quality time to analyze your feelings and the results, and then decide whether to tweak your unique practice(s) to meet your own needs or stay the course.
Identify and honor even very small changes in this organic process of self-realization.
Whether you feel called to walk a labyrinth or read spiritual literature or stand on your head, all may be portal gateways to new vistas of consciousness. Observe your feedback… and wisely learn from all of that.

Chaco Canyon Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection
Embracing Change
Humanity is evolving… YOU are evolving.
Requirements evolve over time, too. Changes that may take place as you develop a new spherical self-awareness might not always feel comfortable initially, but trust that the changes will always be for the best in the long run.
Change may be scary at first. So, trust and embrace change for the good.
An example: Someone loses a job that was truly very stressful on many levels. At first, this may seem devastating, a shock to feel such a big loss. However, from the bigger picture – a 360-View – it may just be the best thing to happen. If we stay true to our conscious practice and goals, we’ll discover that other more suitable opportunities shall present themselves to us, reflecting changes in response to a new field of self-awareness.
Incremental Shifts in Perspective
An important concept to understand with respect to modeling (or re-modeling) the true YOU, is that you don’t need to get it right the first time. We all make mistakes – everyone! Dig in the ground and practice, practice, and practice, and evolve that practice over time in an incremental manner. Then practice some more to experience various shifts in perspective.
Soul-Sovereignty realized through organic self-awareness is a beautiful goal, one that we have (individually and collectively) as a primary goal at the School of Consciousness & Spirituality.
It is paramount in our view to a new earth of peace for all women, men and children on planet earth. Yet, we are realistic that the world is not going to change in one moment. There is work to be done by each one of us. So, we discover the best ways for ourSelves and make incremental changes. We know that the only way to change the world is to change ourSelves.
Any activity or conscious practice that does not directly contribute to this goal (or any goal) should be seriously questioned and avoided if it cannot be justified in this Light. Factors to consider include your full sphere of influence: friends, family, colleagues, habitual patterns, the places you frequent, etc. and the very nature of your efforts in life.
Your Conscious Practices must become a lifelong creative companion toolkit. Every tool in this kit is like a friend. Whenever you drop it (the kit) for a while, you forfeit some of its benefits. But that’s ok. Just pick it right back up, as you’re able. Like a true friend it will be there for you. Everything you create (and reap the benefits of) will be maintained over time through your various practices.
You will need to consider the impact of changes in your life and those in your sphere of influence. You are creating a new you. As you grow and evolve in this organic process you’ll experiment with new models; and if they work then you will have less to do in supporting the changes. Yet, the process continues every day…it never ends allowing you to feel more content and at peace.

Labyrinth Walk Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection
Stay Focused
In short, when you are creatively working on a new you keep an eye (or two) on your goals… stay focused with purpose.
Your old negative beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and practices have been adopted over time through extreme programming and life experiences, which in turn must be supplanted by positive daily conscious practices.
All of these rich and profound conscious practices will – in divine timing – shift and reset new beliefs that shall result in fresh, positive behavior patterns. You reap what you sow. And, dear reader, do not give up! One thing we know for sure is that daily conscious practices (whatever they may be in your creative toolkit) do make a profound difference in one’s life.
~ InJoy Practicing with Purpose ~
Much love from the faculty members at the School of Consciousness & Spirituality