new earth nation is a fellowship of sovereign nations and micro-nations founded in recognition of the primacy of consciousness, the unity of all life and the undeniability of the individual sovereign condition
new earth nation is the jewel in the school of natural law’s crown

It is an open invitation to every member of the human family to transition away from all systems and enclosures which limit our capacity for creative self-expression, and instead unite as an extraterritorial family of sovereign individuals who, with the support and solidarity of that family, are collectively empowered to consciously co-create a new paradigm of prosperity, harmony and abundance.
New Earth Nation (a fractal of the overarching NewEarth Project) is open to all. To become a member of New Earth Nation you will need to ratify the New Earth Treaty.
Though the NEU School of Natural Law devoted volunteers may have initially helped to frame and launch New Earth Nation, we retain absolutely NO control over its direction or evolution – that is entirely in your hands!
Our focus remains on aligning indigenous and other groups in ratifying the New Earth Treaty to increase New Earth Nation’s effectiveness as a planetary touchstone for human evolution and sovereign expression.