The Six Pillars: An Introduction
The NewEarth University (NEU)—learning arm of the worldwide NewEarth Project—is re-framing spirituality as an energetic source-code and driving force for profound social change. NEU’s Spirituality discipline in its School of Consciousness & Spirituality is not suggesting a means of transcending out of the world, i.e., setting one’s sights on a distant Heaven or a dissolving back into a formless eternal emptiness.
Yes, there is a level of the Eternal, but it is not the only one that is “true” – all that exists is a dance of the Divine, in its evolving forms. This all-inclusive, dynamic pure-truth is in fact the perennial truth at the core of the ancient mystic traditions. Today there is a vital need to put pure-truth into concerted action, in a more global, comprehensive form than ever before. This means a radical re-framing of the role of spirituality today, re-calibrating spirituality to its true power while infusing the sacred into all aspects of our life and world.
Many are aware that we are in the throes of a great paradigm shift, the labor pains of a new birth, a new phase in evolution. What is needed is re-visioning of our animating spiritual paradigm, a spiritual revolution on the scale of that of a Buddha, Christ or Sankara. This time, however, it will not be through the agency of one great man (or woman), but the collective synergy of women and men together, because the resurgence of the sacred feminine principle of love, interconnection and receptive integration is an essential part of it.
It is quite clear that it is only through a profound transformation and transfiguration of consciousness that we may leverage the quantum leap needed to bring about a new sacred order of life on Earth. This is why the School of Consciousness and Spirituality’s vision and zero-point unifying field (with all of its research, practice, activities and outreach), is seminal to the overall vision and mission of the greater, NewEarth Project and humanity.
Six main points of the vision:
Oneness Through Interconnection
Evolutionary Non-Duality
Conscious Co-Creative Synergy
Unity in Balanced Feminine and Masculine Principles
Spirituality In Action
Quantum Revolution from the Zero-Point Field
1. Oneness Through Interconnection
We live in a unified web of life, an interconnected field of Consciousness, energy and matter. Our true nature is that Consciousness, the unified Source, from which everything else flows – the manifestation of this world, including our bodies and all that surrounds them; there is no actual boundary between “inner” and “outer”.
This means that everything we do touches the whole Universe, and vice versa.
Today especially, when our mistaken sense of separation has driven us to a life of great fragmentation and conflict, we need to start living again from the Source which connects us all, invoking its unity, harmony and beauty into all levels of our being, our psyche and society. This is the fundamental basis of the personal and global healing needed today, which brings us home to Wholeness – to Oneness.
The spirit of Oneness through interconnection permeates the whole Cosmos; all of our outer systems, no less than our inner ones, need to reflect and embody this. The same core truth of interdependence and Oneness that exists at the spiritual level applies also to the material level: the bio-systems of our body, the eco-systems in which we live, as well as our social, energy and economic systems. Because it is the true nature of all that exists – that cuts across all divides – not only our spiritual worldview but our cultural, economic, ecological and energy structures need to reflect the spirit of Oneness through interconnection if we are to live in a truly healthy, sovereign global society.
2. Evolutionary Non-duality
Non-duality means that spirit and matter are one; and evolutionary non-duality means that our evolution today is calling us to apply that in the world. Spirituality itself has taken a quantum leap today and is offering a radically new, integral, evolutionary perspective. The Eternal as Source remains the same, but we don’t just wait to get to heaven to join it, or at best dissolve back in its emptiness – we joyously co-create with it in its evolving expressions. We are no longer passive victims of either God’s wrath or evolution by chance, but active participants in the unfolding of the vast genius at the Source of Creation. This radically shifts the role of spirituality from offering ways out of this world, helping us bring spirit’s unity into expression in the world, imbuing it with the sacred in all of its dimensions.
Evolutionary Non-duality is a new spiritual paradigm that serves as a basis for critical social transformation, bringing together the depth of radical non-dual spirituality and its perennial wisdom, with the breadth of evolutionary spirituality and its transformative scope: the eternal and evolving faces of the Divine. We believe that the alchemy of these two great spiritual forces – vertical & horizontal – may exponentially accelerate the evolutionary spiral, generating the co-creative power to meet today’s global crises, and to thrive beyond them.
3. Conscious Co-creative Synergy
Conscious Co-creative Synergy, which springs from an urge of evolutionary non-duality, is the dynamic expression of Oneness through interconnection (in action). It is the dynamic interplay that interconnects the spiritual and social levels, aligning the Source of Creation with our own social creativity. It not only serves as a conduit between the core of pure Consciousness and the material level of our being, but at the same time brings into play all the levels of our being, in between as a bardo state of becoming.
Co-creative Synergy occurs when we tune into the wisdom and guidance of the Source of Creation itself, in creative collaboration with others, to bring its primordial unity into expression at all levels of our being: spiritual, psychological and social, including our energy, economic and ecological systems. In synergy that is co-creative, the same magic of creation occurs as when musicians riff together to create beautiful music: we are guided by the unified, orchestrated field of energy vibrating through and between us.
And that music is the frequency of a New Earth. There is a secret (yet transparent as one attunes to it its high vibrations) symphony that emerges from an unseen field of consciousness. Thus all dance to a different drummer as “hidden” Cosmic music revolutionizes life on Earth.
This is a foundation for what we may call a quantum co-creative revolution, (see Pillar 6) the quantum evolutionary leap that is growing towards a critical mass today worldwide. This is a revolution unlike any other in history – from within to without. It is not based on opposition, or the imposition of one system on another — with shouting, ranting and raving — but the natural blossoming of co-creative unity from the feminine and masculine principles in Oneness from within, radiating from the creative genius, love and joy in our hearts.
4. Unity from Balanced Feminine and Masculine Principles
As a basis for all of the above, unity from balanced feminine and masculine energies and principles, perspectives, and values is essential. Long-suppressed feminine values of caring, cooperation and communion need to be front and center, to bring into balance the current predominant masculine values and systems of our society.
As the feminine is the origin of creation, it is at our extreme peril that we have neglected it, and today the Divine Mother is clearly course-correcting us. In a healthy feminine-masculine balance – both in each of us as individuals and the global society – the feminine values of receptivity to Source, a sensitivity to the creative emergent, and nurturing of the highest potentials in ourselves and others, would be supported by the masculine values of action, boldness and focus. Thus we create a new life on Earth, which connects head and heart as spirituality in action.
5. Spirituality In Action
Spirit and matter have been too long divided, a split that has reflected itself at all levels of society. We are all united in Spirit, and need to begin to express that in the structures by which we live. This means that spirituality and social change have to go hand-in-hand. A spirituality that cannot bring about harmony and sustainability in society is impotent; and social activism without an authentic spiritual worldview behind it is also bound to burn out.
Spirituality and true social change have to go together, each coming from a vision of deep interconnectedness and Oneness, spiraling out from the non-dual core at the center of existence, and expressing itself in all our social systems. When this connection is consciously made, we consciously co-create in evolution’s unfolding; in the Cosmos’ own expression of greater and greater Wholeness.
Just as spirit and matter have been divided in the current religious and social systems, so spiritual practitioners and social activists have tended, even today, to mistrust each other and go their separate ways. Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that, if we are to overcome the crises facing us, spiritual vision and social action need to come together, and we need a unifying paradigm to garner the power of each into a combined force for transformation. Only through this can we hope to achieve the radical, whole-systems shift that is called for.
The spiritual worldview of a society, whether conscious or not, is the animating force behind all its systems. It informs the ecological approaches, economic structures, all forms of social relations. When unconscious, or at a low level of consciousness, these tend to be divisive, systems expressing the aggression and violence of divisive ego-agendas based on separation and competition. When the worldview is a conscious one of interconnection and Oneness, experienced at the deepest core spiritual level, all the outer systems will likewise come into line with it, express it, like concentric circles unfolding from a coherent center.
Our personal healing and re-balancing at the energetic and psychological levels is also an essential link in the integration between inner spiritual wisdom and outer global healing. This includes re-balancing the masculine and feminine qualities of consciousness within us, opening up the heart-brain connection, and exploring new processes of communication and collective presence, which bring into co-creative synergy the gifts of creative individuation and the interconnective wisdom of the unified field.
It is this vision of conscious co-creation with each other, the Earth and the Cosmos Itself, that is now becoming possible, emerging in the collective consciousness. For this full flowering we need to bring together a deep non-dual, universal spiritual worldview and action for evolutionary global transformation.
A new, exciting universal spirituality is emerging, concerned with applying the deep realization of Oneness and interconnection, found at the core of all mystical paths, to the way we live in the world. The aim of the NewEarth movement is to help catalyze this emergence — to articulate it, animate it and help put it into action – gathering with others inspired by the same Sovereign spirit, in these intensely challenging yet immensely fertile times.

NEU faculty and fellows 2019 NE Festival in Bali, Indonesia
6. Quantum Revolution from the Zero-point Field
Re-sourcing power from the source of creation itself to revolutionize our world.
Presently our energy systems — the level which, as we have seen, connects spirit and matter — has become a prime focus of our attention on the stage of today’s world crises. Our energy systems are running out, our sources of power rapidly depleting. At the same time, on a personal scale, many are apathetic or paralyzed, lacking the power or energy to do anything about it; our inner resources exhausted no less than the outer. It is fascinating how this level of energy and power (on both the personal and global scales), is where our old system structures are failing — but also the missing link as to how we will radically re-invent them, igniting new sources of power.
This level is both the key to the crises, and also the solutions. In both cases, that of the personal as well as the global scale, the answer to our shortages of energy and power lies in the quantum field, the zero-point field where all energy and power rise from. We must learn to access this in both cases, to plug again into our true Source of power to change things in the world; and, at the global material scale, into the zero-point field for new sources of power to run it. And these two are not separate, but intricately intertwined. It is through our vital connection with the zero-point, quantum field at the Source of Creation that we may most powerfully mobilize the energy needed to change ourselves and therefore the world.
Co-creative Synergy (Pillar 3) draws its power from the zero-point field; it moves from here at the core of Creation to create an infinite possibility of new forms. The most complex creative connections are made when we are tuned into the zero-point Source, the core of Creation itself, where all is connected and thus all connections arise from.
The zero-point field has no circumference; it is the wide-open “O” of pure potential, which is infinitely expansive, open to vast constellations of infinite possibility. It is from the zero-point Source, like a bottomless spring of creation, that the NewEarth will fully blossom.
We trust what you find here is stimulating and inspiring. Nothing in this brief introductory paper of The Six Pillars is meant to be taken as definitive or conclusive, although we trust it is suggestive, enriching and encouraging your own reflections, revelations and evolutionary urge.
One day may we all be together. Meanwhile, wherever you are, know that we are here in presence with you, in whatever way we may serve – individually and collectively – through this University School of Consciousness & Spirituality.
Welcome to the NewEarth!