“Joy is the great biochemistry in the blood of the pregnant woman, her baby, and all of us.” – Laura Uplinger, NEU Fellow associated with the Conscious Birth & Dying discipline of NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness. EnJoy this 1 hour 15 min. (video) interview below...
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Written by Laura Uplinger | Conscious Conception & Prenatal Life Pioneer, Fellow of the NewEarth University (NEU), Conscious Birth & Dying discipline of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness “… the environment presiding lovemaking impacts the conception’s quality. It is worth gathering a maximum of harmony: let
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NEU’s School of Health & Wellness is delighted to announce that Suzanne Arms offers you a 6-part Complimentary Course, The Human Attachment Project. Enjoy direct access to Phase 1 – Birthing the Future Master Class – a video series gifted by renowned author and visionary Suzanne Arms, a conscious...
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Linda Hamilton is a longtime NewEarth community supporter in Costa Rica who consults with individuals and families; and facilitates seminars / workshops devoted to deepening our understanding of life’s beginning: conscious birth … and then lighting our way to the end: conscious dying. Her website is: Birth Without...
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Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Conception is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources from...
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Visit this website, the infant parent institute for resources: www.infant-parent.com To order a free digital download of “They Took My Parent Away: Little Ones Affected by Incarceration Speak”, contact www.theknowledgecenteratchaddock.com.
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Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Birthing is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many educational resources...
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This Spanish website features resources on Conscious Conception/Birthing Congress submitted by faculty volunteers of NEU’s Health & Wellness School. This link will take you out of the NEU site: www.udec.cl/serynacer (There is a convenient option for English transaltion.)
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Faculty of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Birthing is paramount to new ways of being. This is one of many resources submitted by H & W, a portal...
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O.M.A.E.P. is a world organization for Prenatal Education (NOTE: link takes you out of the NEU site): www.omaep.com NGO comprehensive website in French (and also English translations). Submitted by faculty volunteers at NEU’s School of Health & Wellness.
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A website dedicate to the womb with good resources. Submitted by faculty volunteers of the School of Health & Wellness; this link takes you out of the NEU site: www.wombecology.com
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National Organization of Circumcision / Information Resource Centers – NOCIRC (Link takes you out of the NEU site): www.nocirc.org an NGO, educational non-profit submitted by faculty volunteers of the Health & Wellness School. Now called, Genital Autonomy (2016) (Mountain Storm Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her...
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This comprehensive site features prenatal & perinatal educational resources: www.wondrousbeginnings.com NOTE: link takes you out of the NEU portal. Submitted and suggested by faculty volunteers at the School of Health & Wellness. (Wondrous Day Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection.)
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Birthing education and support website resource submitted by faculty volunteers of the School of Health & Wellness. Note: link takes you out of the NEU site: www.binibirth.com
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