The I Ching (Book of Changes) Sacred Books of the East (edited by F. Max Müller) 2nd Edition translated by James Legge. This precious resource is accessed direct at the link: I Ching Book
The I Ching (classic book)

The I Ching (Book of Changes) Sacred Books of the East (edited by F. Max Müller) 2nd Edition translated by James Legge. This precious resource is accessed direct at the link: I Ching Book
This interesting resource is a Brazilian “conscientiology” website, called the The International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology, available with an english translation option. It features study of the “entire” consciousness, ie, conscientiology. (Conscious Land Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)
Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of spiritual and scientific ideas. This website may inspire you to explore these topics further: Note link takes you out of the NewEarth University site: Spirit Science (Caveat: this website may be outdated) (Feature Photo of NEU’s spiritual science researcher, Tom...
From ~ EXCERPT: Update of a controversial (now a 27-year-old) theory of consciousness (published in Physics of Life Reviews) which claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in “microtubules” inside brain neurons corroborates the theory, suggesting...
This resource is the comprehensive website of renowned author and physicist, Thomas Campbell: Once at the homepage, gratitude to Tom for kindly sharing a hotlink to his 2016 downloadable PDF Powerpoint slides, REALITY 102, used during one of his physics experiment presentations. Painting by Jane Evershed.
Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer. Barbara De Angelis
Four your inspiration and study, this site is devoted to The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates. It has all 7 Chapters accessed, and there are also Adverts for a PDF download free for this profound, classic spiritual book....
This resource is a website featuring a series of 3 articles by Randall Carlson on The Meaning of Sacred Geometry: Sacred Geometry International Meaning of Sacred Geometry – Part 2 Sacred Geometry – Part 3
This educational resource is a website for the Cosmometry Project from Marshall Lefferts with various articles for your continued studies into the realm of the fractal holographic nature of the Cosmos. (Cosmic Rainbow Sky Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)
This inspiring educational resource is The Monroe Institute’s comprehensive portal chock-full of info, all started by Robert A Monroe, a pioneer in human consciousness with a legacy affecting millions. Note: Link takes you out of the NEU site: (Labyrinth Photo by Dr N Ash from her private...