Published at NewEarth Media © 2018 by the author. Gratitude to Connie B. for the ITNJ feature photo gifted from her collection. Written by the Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash, ITNJ inaugural trustee and co-founding chancellor of the NewEarth University ITNJ Judicial Commission Reflections: Waking Up AND Growing Up You...
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The NewEarth University (NEU): “It is fruitless to spend your energy fighting against the old broken systems of education. We must embrace the antiquated infrastructure to transform and transmute it with love into the harmonic heart of REAL education. First we UN-learn and then learn the pure truth...
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A NewEarth University (NEU) & Red Pill University (RPU) collaborative panel-discussion on UN-Learning, “a gathering of the eagles” with NEU Chancellor, Dr. Nancy Ash moderating. Esteemed Panelists: Godfather of the Truther Movement, G Edward Griffin; NEU Fellow Bishop Riah; Del Bigtree; NEU Fellow Chief Sylvestre Gnakale and others....
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This article, REAL Education: Learning From The Tree of Life by NEU Chancellor & Co-founder Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD, was originally published at the NewEarth Media Blog in 2018. “Love is the root of all learning.” – Nancy Ash Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, Co-founder...
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This resource is a brief article by NEU Co-founding Chancellor, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash (reprinted from the NewEarth Blog in 2019) that discusses the first paramita of generosity with basic instructions for a healthy Sky Meditation, as taught in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition. Professor Ash has been a...
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Gratitude to Dr Nancy Ash for this resource and photo from her private collection. (Published at NE Media.) PMRT: A Stress Management Exercise
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(Photo of Rev Dr Nancy Ash and Sacha Stone, Sedona, Arizona, courtesy of Jonathan Ash) In this 2017 l!ve interview in Bali, Indonesia, NewEarth University Chancellor Dr. Nancy Ash offers a 360-view of new-paradigm learning with an articulation of the ethos, history and formulation of NEU and its six...
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This 2015 article by Jennifer Miller, 5 Holistic Educational Philosophies to Inspire Your Child, offers a 360-view of Holistic Education methods for parents interested in giving their child an education that goes beyond academics. To read the article (with additional resources) click here: Submitted by Dr. Nancy...
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Are you ready to chase a few plasma balls of light? Journey to the epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomenon in this in-depth episode of Kaleidoscope TV, which shines a spotlight on the fascinating subject of UFOlogy (and the field known as Exopolitics). Award-winning documentary filmmaker and NewEarth...
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Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD – NewEarth University Co-founding Chancellor There is a common saying that the only constant in life is change. A resonant perspective dwells (as two sides of a coin) inextricably bound within the universal coordinates of love and pure-truth. That being...
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Beautiful Bali – StarGate at NewEarth Haven
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Composed by NewEarth University Chancellor & Co-founder, Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD, this poem entitled, Cease the CERN, was born in the middle of a windy dark night around 3am during a September-to-Remember, 2015. Roused to a humble golden pen… giant powers of grace streamed-in as gamma photonic wave-X...
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Vesica Institute’s Spiritual Science – Part 2 As we awaken what helps us access higher levels of Human Consciousness? Tune-in for conscious conversation (in this conclusion of a two-part series) at Kaleidoscope with your host, Dr. Nancy Ash, worldwide Chancellor of the NewEarth University Her special guest is...
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