“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish...
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Shared by Linda Hamilton this is a portal to many offerings from American visionary author and activist, Derrick Jensen. Visit: http://www.derrickjensen.org/endgame/ Jensen is a voice for green ecological whole systems co-authoring, Deep Green Resistance; his book, Endgame, is highly recommended by Linda. You’ll find a plethora of videos...
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This resource gives direct access to PDF files (5 full journal issues from 2010-14) of the European Journal of Ecopsychology, a peer-reviewed journal aiming to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives. Edited by Paul Stevens, Bournemouth University. Gratitude for sharing these...
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From the website, International Community for Ecopsychology (ICE) see a shortlist of titles, various book resources, reviews and their journal, Gatherings for your study of ecopsychology. (Eco-Psych Spiral Photo courtesy of Dr Margret) Book Review Pickings from NEU Staff, Dr Ellen Conner: Laszlo, Ervin: The Whispering Pond: A...
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Resurgence & Ecologist is an online (and print-copy) quality environmental magazine beautifully illustrated. A champion to Seed Sovereignty, Vandana Shiva, is an ex. of some past contributors. You may get a SAMPLE ISSUE HERE (Landscape Photo courtesy of Dr Margret.)
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Co-operation is the Key: Plant Succession, is an 11-page illustrated PDF, was submitted to the NewEarth Project in 2016 by Kevin Gaia of Australia with the author’s (Ian Sutton’s) kind permission to share this resource. CLICK HERE to download Co-operation is the Key_PLANT SUCCESSION
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(Note: This 19 page PDF ecology resource was researched and written by Ian Sutton; and submitted with the author’s permission to the NewEarth University by Kevin Gaia, 2016.) Pilliga Push Camp – Declaration of Peaceful Direct Action The Pilliga Push Camp is committed to protecting the waters of the...
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Principles of Natural Gardening & Farming by Ian Sutton, Equilibrium Eco Services Inc. Copyright © Ian Sutton 2006 Equilibrium is pleased to allow this material to be reproduced in whole or part, provided the meaning is unchanged, and its source, publisher and authorship are acknowledged. Submitted in 2016...
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Probably the most visible example of unintended consequences, is what happens every time humans try to change the natural ecology of a place. Margaret J. Wheatley
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This resource is a short video introducing the Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative and the Ecosystem Restoration Camps. Learn of a self-organizing, direct action to train and deploy people to mitigate and adapt to human-induced climate change by restoring ecological function on a planetary scale. Intro Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative: https://youtu.be/5mAxgCXNmCU
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This website resource features the American-based, The Land Institute founded by Wes Jackson. The Land Institute believes it is possible to provide staple foods without destroying or compromising the cultural and ecological systems upon which we depend. In the past forty years, they have been breeding new perennial...
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From the non-profit organization: GRAIN, an article (2016) by Frances Moore Lappé on the myths of the industrial food system and the promises of agroecology. Farming for a Small Planet: Agroecology Now, place the URL in your browser to access this article at GRAIN’s site: https://grain.org/bulletin_board/entries/5457-farming-for-a-small-planet-agroecology-now Lappé is...
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A Report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) based in the United Kingdom. Humanity appears caught in a trap with no way out. We are facing a series of interlinked systemic problems – consuming beyond our planetary limits; untenable inequality; growing economic instability and a breakdown in the relationship...
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Radical Mycology is a website for the grassroots movement and social philosophy based on accessibly teaching the importance of working with mushrooms and other fungi for personal, societal, and ecological resilience. Caveat: this site has cheesy ads and obnoxious “cookies pop-up.”
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