This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources. Questions: Who Am I … What Am I? Self-inquiry is commonly understood as a process by which one may discover the...
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a proactive step to sovereignty Establishing a sovereign trust framework is a proactive step which anyone can take—now—before situations arise, to make provision for a more sovereign existence. It does not relieve the need to exercise one’s inherent sovereign rights; rather it provides a framework in which inherent sovereign...
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Sovereignty Resources researched, compiled and written by faculty, staff and associated fellows of the School of Natural Law at NewEarth University (NEU) It’s crucial to the sovereign exercise of inherent natural rights that one has a fundamental & visual understanding of a line between fiction and reality. For...
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This resource was researched, compiled and written by volunteer faculty and staff at NEU’s School of Natural Law: six steps to claiming a territory You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life in service of our dear planet earth – this...
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This resource was researched, compiled and written by faculty and staff volunteers at NEU’s School of Natural Law: three key components to constitutional design A good national constitution usually has three key components: A constitution of nature – the foundation of Natural Law upon which the rest of...
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Researched, compiled and written by faculty and staff of NEU’s School of Natural Law. Creating a Constitution Depending on the size of your group will define the process you engage in creating your constitution. Never forgetting that it is the people of the nation themselves who the...
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