Tag Archive for: learning & education
the wildness of children
Article: The Wildness of Children by Carol Black (returning the wild to the child) http://carolblack.org/on-the-wildness-of-children/
10 forgotten spiritual truths about raising children
an article here: http://wakeup-world.com/2016/01/13/10-forgotten-spiritual-truths-about-raising-children/
the future of humanity – krishnamurti and bohm
an indian folk religion by rabindranath tagore (article)

Link takes you to The Literature Network website, into an article by Rabindranath Tagore from a series, entitled: Creative Unity: An Indian Folk Religion http://www.online-literature.com/tagore-rabindranath/creative-unity/4/ Caveat, this site has a lot of cheesy advertising. (Cliff Home of My Ancestors Photo by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection.)...
a grandmother’s dedication to unlearning

Dedication of Unlearning by Patti O’Donahue, MA, RYT Former faculty at NEU’s School of The Living Arts – Learning & Education discipline I dedicate my unlearning to my daughter, Sascha, who as a little girl Re-Awakened me to the Mysterious nature of the Universe and to our Gift of...
why are finland’s schools successful?

From Smithsonian.com this link will take you out of the NEU website. The article: Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful? Shall we ALL prepare kids for LIFE?
mind-body connection & learning (article)

This blog article by Prideful of Being explores what “learning” is. The link will take you out of the NEU site: The Mind-Body Connection and Learning (Taos Terrain Photo courtesy of Dr N Ash, from her private collection)
education – circle of children (blog)

This website BLOG is designed to assist folks in various and wide-ranging roles with infants and children of all ages. The link will take you out of the NEU site: http://circleofchildren.org (Circle of Life Drawing circa ’77 by Dr N Ash, courtesy of her private collection)
new paradigm learning undergraduate, grad & postgrad courses at netu

New Earth Theological University (NETU) is a unique online degree-granting school in alliance with the ethos of NewEarth University. Originally founded as a seminary by its former President, it has morphed through the years into a fresh, new paradigm learning community with modern theological curriculum rooted in Oneness based...
crossroads: labor pains of a new worldview – full movie 2012
Viewed by a million + people, this award-winning one-hour documentary, Crossroads, is by filmmaker, Joseph Ohayon. It’s a movie that is a refreshing reality-check for all viewers.. and a clarion call for those who carry the seeds of the emerging worldview. (Standard YouTube license.)
Bridging Learning Models at NewEarth University (NEU)

music defined by mathematics (pdf)

Essays on the Origins of Western Music by David Whitwell, 18-page downloadable PDF The Origins of Music Defined as Math Gratitude to Mr. Whitwell for sharing this resource.
impact of music on mathematic achievements

The link between active music learning and gains in spatial-temporal reasoning has been well-established through scientific research. Gratitude for this this 11-pg downloadable PDF that discusses the impact of music on math achievements. Impact of music on math PDF
germ that kills schools TEDx talk by pasi sahlberg
neu schools
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- Applied Integrative Bio-Physics
- REAL History
- Vesica Spiritual Science
- Natural Solutions
- Painting From Soul
- UCC: Own Your Strawman
- Prenatal Life & Birth
- Divine Light Training
- Victim & Criminal Profiling Academy
- Animal Healing Academy
- Agapi-based Health & Wellness
- Seven Sisters Mystery School
- Scalar Tech School
- Eco-Home Training – OFF GRID
- 5D Geometry Academy
- HeartSpeak Lite
- Spirit Medicine
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