Excerpted from a daylong seminar, Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction, this is a 2-hour natural law talk by Mark Passio that is seminal in understanding the reality of pure-truth, universal natural law and being sovereign. Gratitude to Mark for providing many quality natural law programs that...
Tag Archive for: natural justice
mark passio on natural law – conscience and common sense (video)
the definition of natural law by mark passio (video)
mark passio lecture – natural law vs. man’s law/government (video)
mark passio: what on earth is happening? (natural law resources website)

An ocean of gratitude to Mark Passio (based in the USA) for his tireless and thorough dedication to a sovereign world for every woman, man and child through his lectures and teachings about natural law. Visit Mark’s seminal work presented at his comprehensive website: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/ Please support his...
committee to support the ITNJ

Join the cause at Facebook: Committee to Support the ITNJ Facebook Page for ITNJ
je suis humanity campaign (website)

Let your voice be heard. The Je Suis Humanity Campaign started by Sacha Stone: https://www.jesuishumanity.com/
natural law resources: a sovereignty mind-set

This brief natural law article, A Sovereignty Mind-Set was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty and staff volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources. Possessing the correct mind-set is fundamental to the success of implementing any sovereignty ‘strategy.’...
the sovereign voice magazine

stunning in substance and aesthetic The Sovereign Voice magazine is complimentary. It features powerful, educational articles on natural law and justice, information on the seminal initiative, the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) with news updates and topics of sovereignty, self-governance, and much more. NE University fellows, faculty and...
sovereignty 101 – what is sovereignty?

sovereignty – first and foremost – is a state of mind It is that state of mind, which declares yourself not to have anything above you that may influence or rule over you. Does this mean that you automatically stop paying your bills, mortgage and taxes? Probably not, but...
the itnj – international tribunal for natural justice

From the faculty at NEU’s School of Natural Law: We live in a world where government and finance has literally taken over every part of our lives – our elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns; police use violence towards the public in the interest of...
resource for being sovereign – embodying absolute sovereignty

Researched, collated and written by NEU’s School of Natural Law faculty and associated fellows: The moment one values the realization of their inherent sovereignty – more than they value their own self-indulgence, personal attachments and self-preservation – then, absolute sovereignty is theirs. The simplest way to realize absolute...
effective self-inquiry as an art leading to sovereignty

This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources. Questions: Who Am I … What Am I? Self-inquiry is commonly understood as a process by which one may discover the...
sovereign trust framework (article)

a proactive step to sovereignty Establishing a sovereign trust framework is a proactive step which anyone can take—now—before situations arise, to make provision for a more sovereign existence. It does not relieve the need to exercise one’s inherent sovereign rights; rather it provides a framework in which inherent sovereign...
sovereign exercise: your understanding of fiction vs. reality

Sovereignty Resources researched, compiled and written by faculty, staff and associated fellows of the School of Natural Law at NewEarth University (NEU) It’s crucial to the sovereign exercise of inherent natural rights that one has a fundamental & visual understanding of a line between fiction and reality. For...
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