The Psychology of Revolution (1913) by Gustave Le Bon (344 pages) is now available as a direct PDF Book download with no copyright restrictions. The original version of this work is in the Cornell University Library. Click link for access: Download PDF Book Here
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Gratitude to Storm Clouds Gathering for sharing this video widely.
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From author Jeremy Locke: Never in all of history have the elements been arrayed against the evil manifest in tyranny and slavery as they are today. This 97-page book (2005) teaches just one lesson: You have infinite worth. Gratitude to the author for availing this publication for educational...
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The Global Sovereign’s Handbook: Reclaim the Seven Aspects of Sovereignty and Take Back the American Mind, is a 345 page PDF written by Johnny Liberty. We thank him for kindly sharing this comprehensive work (freed into the public domain in 2006) as a resource in the free Library....
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Excerpted from a daylong seminar, Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction, this is a 2-hour natural law talk by Mark Passio that is seminal in understanding the reality of pure-truth, universal natural law and being sovereign. Gratitude to Mark for providing many quality natural law programs that...
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Visit the International Tribunal for Natural Justice website: ITNJ People’s Library which provides links to resources for further research of topics relevant to the knowledge-base necessary for a full comprehension of the history of law. The ITNJ is an initiative of the NewEarth Project. The ITNJ belongs to the...
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An ocean of gratitude to Mark Passio (based in the USA) for his tireless and thorough dedication to a sovereign world for every woman, man and child through his lectures and teachings about natural law. Visit Mark’s seminal work presented at his comprehensive website: Please support his...
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Visit the main website of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, known as, “The ITNJ”: Vision: A world in which the Earth is honored; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law. Mission:...
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