Tag Archive for: new earth university
new earth ancient futures festival, bali 2017 – live!stream / air day 3 – part 1
the connected universe lecture by nassim haramein (2015 video)
This video is a two hour lecture by Nassim Haramein called, The Connected Universe. Recorded from The Modern Knowledge Tour, 2015-08-16 in Toronto. Published by the Nasim Haramein CZ and SK FB page with the kind approval of Modern Knowledge and Resonance Project Foundation. Gratitude for sharing this resource...
kaleidoscope TV with host dr nancy ash – newearth university faculty (part 1)
agnihotra neutralizes radioactivity by faculty, dr ann ralles (article)

Written by Dr Ann Ralles – Faculty Member, Arks of Fire Initiative at NewEarth University It seems that life in our times consists of a never-ending maze of dangers we are obliged to navigate on a daily basis. Contamination of our food, air and water by dangerous substances...
newearth university with dr nancy ash
agnihotra timing: how does the magic work? by neu faculty, dr ann ralles

Written by Dr Ann Ralles, Agnihotra faculty advisor at the School of Socio-Economics & Ecology at the NewEarth University (NEU). Twilight Agnihotra Practice Photo at the NewEarth Haven – Bali during the 2017 NE Festival Are you ready for Earth Day? Agnihotra is the wonderful life-changing...
tadasana: the yoga mountain pose by neu faculty, dr nancy ash (article)

Tadasana: The Yoga Mountain Pose by Dr. Nancy Ash, worldwide director of the NewEarth University, a new-paradigm learning initiative of the NewEarth Project. (Excerpted from her website, Doinga360.com © 2009.) Yoga’s Mountain Pose with basic instructions and tips: As I prepare a steaming cup of hot...
new earth project at facebook
Join us – and “like us” at Facebook Newearth Project: https://www.facebook.com/newearthproj/ NewEarth University: https://www.facebook.com/New.Earth.University/
kapalabhati: benefits, practice and tips by neu faculty, dr nancy ash (article)

Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, Director of NewEarth University, a new-paradigm learning initiative of the NewEarth Project (Reprinted with permission from www.Doinga360.com) (Photos from Dr N Ash, her private collection) A Kriya Yoga Technique called Kapalabhati is one of the Shat-Karmas (six cleansing or purification processes) as well...
quantum parenting for world peace resource, faculty dr marcy axness

A paradigm of Quantum Parenting for Peace is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources from NEU Health & Wellness professor Dr. Marcy Axness – a portal about her groundbreaking work (NOTE: Link takes you out of the NEU...
crossroads: labor pains of a new worldview – full movie 2012
Viewed by a million + people, this award-winning one-hour documentary, Crossroads, is by filmmaker, Joseph Ohayon. It’s a movie that is a refreshing reality-check for all viewers.. and a clarion call for those who carry the seeds of the emerging worldview. (Standard YouTube license.)
sovereignty 101 – what is sovereignty?

sovereignty – first and foremost – is a state of mind It is that state of mind, which declares yourself not to have anything above you that may influence or rule over you. Does this mean that you automatically stop paying your bills, mortgage and taxes? Probably not, but...
Bridging Learning Models at NewEarth University (NEU)

transitioning into health & wellness sovereignty at newearth university

Researched, compiled and written by faculty members of the NewEarth University School of Health & Wellness ~ conception, pregnancy, birth & dying are conscious arts in health & wellness sovereignty We invite all to join with us ... in a movement to explore, develop, and foster best practices and endeavors...
neu schools
- Courses
- Course Info – Getting Started
- FREE Mini-Courses
- Applied Integrative Bio-Physics
- REAL History
- Vesica Spiritual Science
- Natural Solutions
- Painting From Soul
- UCC: Own Your Strawman
- Prenatal Life & Birth
- Divine Light Training
- Victim & Criminal Profiling Academy
- Animal Healing Academy
- Agapi-based Health & Wellness
- Seven Sisters Mystery School
- Scalar Tech School
- Eco-Home Training – OFF GRID
- 5D Geometry Academy
- HeartSpeak Lite
- Spirit Medicine
- Schools
- About NEU
- FREE Library
- * Account Info *