NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation honors the groundbreaking work of Nikola Tesla. Volunteers at the school’s discipline, NewEarth Science & Technology (NEST) have partnered a few years ago with the Nikola Tesla Institute in Brazil to design unique projects and initiatives – the developing NE Tesla Academy,...
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Sovereignty Resources researched, compiled and written by faculty, staff and associated fellows of the School of Natural Law at NewEarth University (NEU) It’s crucial to the sovereign exercise of inherent natural rights that one has a fundamental & visual understanding of a line between fiction and reality. For...
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From NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality faculty, associated fellows and staff, these are a few basic meditation scripts researched, compiled and written for attuning to feminine wisdom. Enjoy: meditation 1 – merging with the love of divine mother Know that your true nature is the pure,...
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A Core Human Right We believe that vibrant healthcare is a core human right. Reclaiming your health sovereignty is an essential component of exercising your absolute sovereignty – and therefore, embodying your best healthcare strategies. Most corporations and institutions have served their own financial interests, relegating humanity to...
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Researched, compiled and written by faculty members and staff at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality Conscious Practices for a New You Some practitioners new to the heroic journey of self-realization may wonder whether their various practices – such as Deep Conscious Breathing, Self-Talk, Contemplation, Meditation, etc. –...
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The following Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty was created and gifted to you by the many talented and devoted faculty and staff of the NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness. Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty Be it known that I, ___________________________________________________________, do hereby declare myself to be...
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Written by faculty of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU) NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) from the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of human-made...
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Written by faculty of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU) NEU's Design & Development discipline (the D & D) from the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of human-made...
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Researched, compiled and written by faculty of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU) NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) in the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and...
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Compiled by faculty members of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU) NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) from the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of...
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Written by faculty of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU) NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) from the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of human-made...
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This is a 20-second overview (aerial view) of the NewEarth Project Haven trishla dome designs from the Design & Development discipline of NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation. Explore this integrative layout for a conscious community featuring trisla dome clusters nestled in lush vegetation. (Note: this video...
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Compiled by the Design & Development discipline (the D & D) faculty members at NewEarth University’s School of Science & Design Innovation, this article illustrates the NewEarth Project’s bio-architecture dome energetics metric for building conscious communities, like the proto-type at NewEarth Haven-Bali. why the dome shape? Many cultures...
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