A NewEarth University (NEU) & Red Pill University (RPU) collaborative panel-discussion on UN-Learning, “a gathering of the eagles” with NEU Chancellor, Dr. Nancy Ash moderating. Esteemed Panelists: Godfather of the Truther Movement, G Edward Griffin; NEU Fellow Bishop Riah; Del Bigtree; NEU Fellow Chief Sylvestre Gnakale and others....
Tag Archive for: new paradigm learning
real education: learning from the tree of life by dr nancy ash (article)

This article, REAL Education: Learning From The Tree of Life by NEU Chancellor & Co-founder Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD, was originally published at the NewEarth Media Blog in 2018. “Love is the root of all learning.” – Nancy Ash Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, Co-founder...
evolving the industrial education paradigm – dr ellen conner (article)

This article championing new-paradigm learning is by Ellen Conner, PhD, a friend to the NewEarth movement and a former faculty member at NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation. Evolving the Industrial Education Paradigm
examples of holistic education models (article)

This 2015 article by Jennifer Miller, 5 Holistic Educational Philosophies to Inspire Your Child, offers a 360-view of Holistic Education methods for parents interested in giving their child an education that goes beyond academics. To read the article (with additional resources) click here: https://www.noodle.com/articles/the-philosophies-behind-a-holistic-approach-to-education Submitted by Dr. Nancy...
engineering our future, re-defining university education by david wittekind

This 10-page article (pdf) was written by David Wittekind of Colorado, USA and submitted by the author to this Library as a free resource. Engineering Our Future, Re-defining University Education
derrick jensen – deep green resistance

Shared by Linda Hamilton this is a portal to many offerings from American visionary author and activist, Derrick Jensen. Visit: http://www.derrickjensen.org/endgame/ Jensen is a voice for green ecological whole systems co-authoring, Deep Green Resistance; his book, Endgame, is highly recommended by Linda. You’ll find a plethora of videos...
new earth ancient futures festival, bali 2017 – live!stream / air day 3 – part 1
new earth ancient futures festival, bali, 2017 – live!stream / air day – part 2
gregg braden – unprecedentend interview
Watch Gregg Braden, best-selling author of many books including, The Divine Matrix, in this inspiring 30-minute interview. A must-watch for anyone who wishes to improve the way in which they see and perceive what we call, reality, through the secret of feeling-based prayer. “The heart has no ego.”...
kaleidoscope TV with host dr nancy ash – newearth university faculty (part 1)
quotes / quote by carl rogers

The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. Carl Rogers
sacha stone keynote presentation: arise homo sapiens
arise homo sapiens by the founder of newearth project, sacha stone A brief keynote presentation by Sacha Stone at Great Darlington Hall in England, on Luciferianism (false-light worship) as the central tenet of modern ‘civilization’. Sacha elaborates on the themes of idolatry and iconoclasticism, dream-spell and spell-binding. (Late 2016,...
association of waldorf schools of north america

Link to the comprehensive official website for, Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. Founded in the early 20th century, Waldorf Education is based on the insights, teachings, and principles of education outlined by renowned artist, and scientist, Rudolf Steiner. These inspiring new-paradigm learning principles align with the...
international assoc steiner/waldorf early childhood education, iaswece (website)

This (2019) resource is an up-to-date website, International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education, devoted to the new-paradigm education and care of the young child from birth to school entrance. Aligned with the overall ethos of the NewEarth University, staff are delighted to share that there are nearly...
dr gabor maté – humanity science & compassion lens (website)

This resource is an up-to-date, comprehensive website of Dr Gabor Maté of Vancouver, Canada. The renowned speaker and bestselling author has an extensive background in healing addiction by using compassionate inquiry and calls for a complete compassionate approach toward addiction, whether in ourselves or in others. (Compassionate Flowers...
neu schools
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