The following Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty was created – and gifted to you – by the many talented and devoted faculty members of the NewEarth University School of Health & Wellness. Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty Be it known that I, ___________________________________________________________, do hereby...
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Your Declaration of Sovereignty gifted by members of the NewEarth Movement and NEU faculty & fellows of the School of Natural Law Declaration of Sovereignty Be it known that I, _____________________________________, do hereby declare myself to be a sovereign individual; a living breathing human...
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Popular short video to creatively explain in just a few fun minutes: What IS Your STRAWMAN? A story (logical explanation) of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government. This is informative animation made in...
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The Sovereign Voice is a digital Magazine supporting the International Tribunal for Natural Justice ( TSV is a magazine for all sovereign men & women of the world dedicated to self-empowerment and the realisation of a world freed from the tyranny of bonded slavery & corporations masquerading...
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This educational PDF book, The UCC and You, is a 194-page overview on the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a legal framework comprising 9 Articles that govern commercial business transactions. Please note: This material is dated (2001) and is intended only for educational purposes and does not render any...
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For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched The Bilderberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money. In his book, “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,” he states that in 1954,...
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Law Common to Oneself This brief natural law resource, law common to oneself, was compiled by faculty and staff of the NEU School of Natural Law. Law common to oneself is the Common Law of one’s own sovereign kingdom. In fact, the very meaning of sovereignty is that...
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The straw man is an “artificial person.” Here is a definition of straw man: “A ‘front’; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. Nominal party to a transaction …” ~ Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition Click here to download this...
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This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty and staff volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources. Whether it be questions directed at oneself in the form of self-inquiry or questions directed at those who seek...
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Researched and Compiled by Faculty at the NEU School of Natural Law Shortly after a child is born most parents perform the voluntary act of attending a registry office, to cause the event of the child’s birth to be registered (it is not the child who is...
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An ocean of gratitude to the author Mary Elizabeth: Croft for freely sharing her 97-page book (PDF form): How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash Confiscatory Agency Known to Man… a Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are. (2008) This is an important look at what...
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The Global Sovereign’s Handbook: Reclaim the Seven Aspects of Sovereignty and Take Back the American Mind, is a 345 page PDF written by Johnny Liberty. We thank him for kindly sharing this comprehensive work (freed into the public domain in 2006) as a resource in the free Library....
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