to affirm the healing art of living well
by honoring our magnificent natural sovereign design
as an integrated Spirit and body-mind
the school of health & wellness was created to:

health & wellness philosophy
Aligned with NewEarth Project’s ethos, the philosophy of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness is simply based on life’s original, immutable, natural laws. We believe a move towards Oneness – or unity consciousness – must be a deliberate movement toward the essence of natural living in harmony with all creation.
At the core, this begins with conscious conception and conscious birth, therefore the School is comprised of two key disciplines: Conscious Birth & Dying and Wellness Sovereignty.
The pure-truth of our body’s remarkable capacity to self-heal has been hidden… now we claim our human right. For decades, (now more than ever) corporations and institutions (entrusted to serve humanity) have been permitted to serve their own vested interests and agendas to the detriment of our health and well-being.
Recognizing that reclaiming one’s wellness sovereignty is an essential component of embodying and exercising one’s absolute sovereignty, we, the faculty of the School of Health & Wellness, commit to offering the best resources and tools supporting this highest personal expression. We endeavor to cut through the white-noise of allopathic medical research and practice, making the natural healing arts & sciences accessible to all.

NEU’s School of Health & Wellness brings together a network of visionary and pioneering educators, practitioners, and related alliances – all serving to advance consciousness through optimal wellness and sovereignty by fulfilling these healthy objectives.
Individually – and collectively – we are changing the face of healthcare. With the participation of every sovereign human being, we will succeed.
School of Health & Wellness News & Events
Dr Raman Gokal, MBChB, MD, FRCP, FASN
Health & Wellness Professor, Senior Advisor
Atousa Mahdavi, DC, QME, BCIM, AHP
Holistic Physician & Professor
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Renowned Natural Solutions Physician
Anne Jensen, MSc, DC, PhD
Health & Wellness Professor
Laura Uplinger
Conscious Conception & Prenatal Life Pioneer
Maria Benardis
Health & Wellness Teacher
Suzanne Arms
Conscious Birth Pioneer
Lewis Montague
Natural Treatments Researcher
Jayne Marquis, ND
Homeopathy & Naturopathy Teacher
Arpana Obrien, MD
Anatomy Educator
Dean G Allen, PhD
Wellness Advocate
Marcy Axness, PhD
Parenting for Peace Advisor
Carla Maria García Machado
Prenatal & Birth Advocate
François Amigues, D.O.
Prenatal-Birth Physician & Professor